I am now at home! It's wonderful - I am 100% more comfortable being able to lie down whenever I need to, and I can wear my baggiest, trashiest maternity wear. This has already paid off.
Clearly though, I have lost the baby pool as we are now in April and there is no Lucy. So - it will be for someone else to win the prize. My belly doesn't look like it will last to mid-April... it seems to be expanding horizontally now.
I have been wondering whether the baby has dropped, because I have had a serious increase in the edema in my legs, and a dramatic drop in heartburn. I will have to see what the obstetrician says tomorrow.
In other good news - I was excused from jury duty!
1 comment:
Je te comprend d'être mieux à la maison et aussi pour pouvoir porter du linge super confortable qui ne peut être porté au travail. Essaies de te reposer le plus possible. On ne sais jamais, peut-être que Lucy va décider d'arriver tôt comme sa grande soeur.
J'ai bien hâte de lui voir la frimousse :-)
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