Saturday, March 8, 2008

In the buff

Rebecca is interested in being naked this week. There have already been several stripping incidents. Convincing her to get back into clothing is the real trouble - especially since she will run away or hide under her easel where enormous pregnant women dare not venture. She has peed on the floor earlier this week, and today (because Greg's at work and I'm at home), she pooped on the floor. Luckily for me, this was of the "rabbit poo" variety - not too hard to clean, but naturally, she managed to step in some. I had to give her a midday bath - which she feels is a big treat. My legs ached afterwards from kneeling at the tubside - probably because of all the edema I have. When I dressed her after the bath, I made sure she was in garments that were a little more challenging to remove.

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