Sunday, December 8, 2019

8 years!

Hello, Lucy writing here! It's been eight years since the last post, and the last time you checked in on our family I was three and didn't even know my mom had a blog. Actually, I didn't discover she did until this year. Anyways, she has granted me permission to write on here, so you'll get to hear about me and possibly my sister, too. Where to start? I'm eleven years old. My earliest memory is probably going to the park with my Dad, and pretending to be a baker and make cakes out of sand. My first day of kindergarten, I walked up to the first girl I saw and asked to become friends with her. She's my best friend to this day. In kindergarten, I had a half day, and would only start school at noon. it was like this for all the kids in my class. My dad and I would drop off my mom at work, eat at a diner for breakfast, go to the park, eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and then he would walk me to my bus stop. We ate at diners so often, that i was friends with the waitress at the diner we most frequently visited. A lot of chocolate chip pancakes and chocolate milk in those days. Tons. In grade two, I met my English teacher Mr. White (I won't say his full name due to privacy reasons.). He was goofy and very kind. However, if you disrespected him, you would be lectured. That barely happened to anyone though. In third grade I had Mr. White again. On the day of my birthday that year, I walked in and said "It's my birthday today!" Mr, White said, "No, it's mine!". Now, I thought he was goofing off, but as it turns out we actually had the same birthday. That year, I had a french teacher that I had in kindergarten. She liked me very much and teased me a lot. Fifth grade I had some trouble with my friends, as they never seemed to take interest in me and never payed attention to me. However, I resolved those problems and felt happier than ever. It also made me much more considerate of people's emotions and feelings. I actually learned quite a bit from it. Fast forward to now. I am in sixth grade, my favorite sport is fencing and as for hobbies, I love anything artistic from dancing to painting. Sadly though I lack confidence in singing and dancing in front of other people and i hope to overcome that at least partially this year. That's all for now, Lucy.

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