Saturday, March 17, 2007

Molar #3 - the whimpering

The first corner of Rebecca's left upper molar has come through. Many nights of whimpering (ours and hers), and cuddles have brought us to this point (pun intended), and I anticipate several more evenings of dental woes. I sense the remaining molar will be out soon, as the gum is already bulging.
But hooray! This is the harbinger of crunchy snacking! Already, she is willing to tackle small pieces of raw celery and raw cucumber. It will be such a relief when she can consume raw vegetables with ease because not only do they make a tasty and healthy snack, but it is a far easier manner to introduce more veggies into her diet.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Meal time, now with cutlery!

Well Madeleine and I haven't been spending a lot of time poring over our parenting books in the last couple months, so we're not up on our milestones.

Turns out Rebecca's supposed to be feeding herself with a spoon now. Heavens to murgatroid! We decided to buckle down and face the messy fury of self-feeding Rebecca.

She showed that she's way ahead of us by grabbing the spoon and very smoothly feeding herself a big spoonful of yogurt.

She then proceeded to use her free hand to grab some yogurt, and alternated, but she got enough successful spoons that we're pretty confident in saying she gets the concept.

Next up, we'll let her tie her own shoes.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dancing! (maybe)

Unconfirmed reports of dancing in the household. Rebecca today bopped her body up and down while swinging her arms with some semblance of rhythm (music courtesy of Lilo & Stitch). When will it be repeated? Only time will tell...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Suicidal toddlers

Rebecca's had a monkey streak a mile wide for a while now. One of the more frightening things she's done is when playing in the drawers in her change table/chest of drawers, she will pull her self up with the drawers, which, when they're all open, can cause the whole kit and caboodle to start to tip forwards. Eek.

(like this, only without the shelves above the changing surface)

Anyway, today I was tidying up in the living room and Rebecca toddled off to her bedroom, I followed a few seconds behind. She hadn't been in her room more than 5 seconds when I hear something disturbing. Two quick strides and 0 heartbeats later (you know, because my heart had stopped) and I round the corner to see diapers sliding off the top of her change table as it tips forwards on Rebecca. I caught it at about a 45 degree angle, but the bottom drawer slid open clocking her in the face. I held it there for just a second, not breathing, waiting for Rebecca to make a noise. She started babbling and I carefully set the whole thing down.

I bent down, looking for injury, nothing. Rebecca seemed oblivious to the whole experience, happily talking away. My heart started beating again. Another 10 seconds and I started breathing and talking to Rebecca.

Anyway, gotta see if we can attach that unit to the wall, which obviously should have been done a long time ago.

Oh, and Madeleine wanted me to post something about Rebecca trying to brush her own hair, but it just didn't seem that important at the moment...